What is a Sequim home based business and if you buy a home, will your new home allow you to run your business out of your home? Here is the analysis. First, start with the Statutory Warranty Deed, which is the most powerful authoritative document on your property. Deeds will often indicate restrictions, and often refer to plats with restrictions or CC&Rs.
Sequim Home Based Business
Second, review those restrictive documents, if any, and the most likely place to find a restriction on the use of your residential property is in the CC&Rs. CC&Rs sometimes have restrictions on home based businesses, but most often they either don’t or the restrictions are no greater than the city or county code restrictions. Here is language from the Clallam County Code dealing with the Sequim home based business.
Sequim Home Based Business
33.47.010 Home enterprise minimum standards. Home enterprises locating in noncommercial, nonindustrial zones are subject to the following minimum standards:
(1) The home enterprise is carried on entirely within legally constructed structures on the property and is clearly subordinate to the residential use. (more…)
Last Updated on April 11, 2011 by Chuck Marunde