There’s a short audio on how to use the MLS search to find what you are looking for. If you are unable to find exactly what you are looking for, do not assume it doesn’t exist, as the audio explains. The local MLS input data sheet has many check boxes, and not all agents complete all the “include” or “exclude” sections. It’s easier for agents to use the “comments” or “remarks” section to describe something unique or special about the property.
Sometimes people run into trouble when they try to listen to an audio on their Internet browser, whether it is Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. The solution is to check the options in your browser, and make sure that the default setting for listening to “.mp3’s” is the audio program you use on your computer (i.e. Windows Media Player, Winamp, etc.).
If you have any difficulty or can’t find the home or land you are looking for, email me at chuckmarunde@gmail.com or simply call me at 360-775-5424.
P.S. I will be glad to help you with any technology problems you’re having on this. Come on now, when was the last time a Realtor offered help with your tech issues?
Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Chuck Marunde