The online classified ads service for Sequim and Port Angeles has received a major upgrade and is more user friendly and even fun to use. This service is great for anyone selling anything, including real estate, cars and trucks, furniture, appliances, dogs, farm animals, electronics, sporting goods, anything. Of course, it’s great for anyone looking to buy, too.
This is a free service sponsored by Chuck Marunde and Sequim & Port Angeles Real Estate, LLC. “We’re in tough economic times, and this is one small way to help people and business owners in Sequim and Port Angeles connect with buyers,” said Chuck Marunde.
- Port Angeles and Sequim Classified Ads Online
If you’re a business, and you want to promote your business online free, just register and type your product or service description (with good persuasive sales script), and you can even include a photo of your business or your staff or your product, and don’t forget to include a link to your website!
Asked how this compares to Craigslist, Chuck explained, “You also get a free service with Craigslist, but that is not a niche for our little area, and frankly most people don’t find Craigslist all that user friendly. It can be very hard to find anything on Craigslist with billions of ads, and now a lot of commercial spam on Craigslist. In addition, while many swear by Craigslist, talk to a 100 people in Sequim or Port Angeles, and you’ll find only a few actually use Craigslist on a regular basis.”
Sequim & Port Angeles Classifieds is a great service, and because everything for sale is in Sequim or Port Angeles, it doesn’t get any more useful and searchable.
Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Chuck Marunde
My brother said I would like this blog. He was totally right. We love coming to Sequim for the hiking and kayaking.
Good job. I agree about Craigslist. It’s okay but it can be a pain finding things and you’re not always sure you’re seeing all the options because of how some ads are listed. It’s great to have a site dedicated to a smaller area, it can make for a more concise search result.
Excellent post / article, exactly what I was looking for.
Yay! Keep up the great work Look forward to reading more from you in the future.
I’m a commercial broker in Vegas, and I enjoy your articles. Keep up the good work!
Cool blog! Thanks, webmaster.