Sequim crabbing is very popular. That’s not exactly a real estate subject, and most of the 1,600 articles on this site are about buying real estate in Sequim. But while you are here visiting and looking at homes, you’ve got to have some fun, too. There are many things to do, but Sequim crabbing is definitely a favorite activity.

Sequim Crabbing Rules
Sportsmen catch more than a million pounds of Dungeness crab, using pots, ring nets, and for those who are wading or diving, with their bare hands. That’s a lot of crab. In the areas of East Juan de Fuca Strait, Port Angeles Harbor, and Discovery Bay the season is open from Thursday, July 3rd 2014, and remains open through September 1st 2014 (Labor Day). Crabbing is only allowed Thursdays through Mondays each week during the summer season (closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays). You can learn more from the Washington Department of Fish and Widlife at Sequim Crabbing.
Sequim Crabbing
Here’s what one visitor said about his Sequim crabbing experience, “Went crabbing out to Sequim last Wednesday and the family had a blast. Weather was great, caught lots of crab and did a little camping. Fished my pots a little deeper at about 120′ to 140′ and really nailed the crab. One pot had 16 dungeness and only one was not legal. Usually it is the other way around for us. Had a feast at the camp ground and came home and fed the extended family & friends. Family outings like we had are priceless. As I (and the kids) get older I am savoring them more.” Come and visit Sequim and try your luck at some Sequim crabbing.
Last Updated on September 21, 2019 by Chuck Marunde