Now you can Text your Sequim real estate agent to ask for more information about a listing, to ask about real estate issues, and to communicate while your transaction is pending. Texting has become a favorite method of communicating, and it is convenient and fast.
Sequim Real Estate Agent Resources
If you’re at your computer with Internet access or on your laptop at Starbucks with wireless, you’ll find many powerful free Internet resources for buyers on the numerous websites and blogs of Sequim and Port Angeles Real Estate, and you’ll find many of those resources available right here on this blog. If you’re on your smart phone (iPhone) or your iPod or iPad you’ll find a mobile app in the iTunes store for searching the Sequim MLS. These resources include a powerful Sequim MLS map search feature, foreclosure search, a Sequim real estate market report of listed and sold properties with lots of data, a weekly real estate newsletter that is delivered to your email, a real estate law site, a real estate blog with over 1,000 articles specifically written about Sequim real estate, buying and selling, negotiating the best price, foreclosures, lots of videos produced specifically for buyers of Sequim real estate, and a lot more.
This Sequim real estate agent gives all his clients a book about Sequim real estate, Buying and Selling Real Estate in the Rain Shadow, written by Chuck Marunde, local real estate attorney and Sequim real estate agent. This is also available as an eBook download in the Apple iTunes Bookstore. There is a free eBook for sellers to download to help them understand the selling process and what works.
All of these resources have allowed Chuck Marunde to become the number one Sequim buyer’s agent in 2011. Why? Because buyers appreciate free online resources that don’t require them to register their confidential information. They appreciate the many resources that give them information they can’t find anywhere else, and buyers appreciate the professionalism and experience of someone who has been in real estate for 37 years and who is completely dedicated to the best interests of his clients.
Sequim Real Estate Agent Service
Offering a texting service for clients is simply another way that this Sequim real estate agent continues to demonstrate with action that his clients come first. “I serve my clients with every ounce of energy that I have, and I bring technology to the table to serve my clients in the same way.”
Sequim Real Estate Agent Text Number 360-775-5424
Chuck Marunde is a Sequim real estate agent, hopefully your buyer’s agent, and can be texted anytime at 360-775-5424. Put that number in your cell phone contacts list and text Chuck anytime you have a question or want to know the status of a transaction. This Sequim real estate agent never stops working for you.
Last Updated on December 7, 2011 by Chuck Marunde
Texting has certainly gotten popular. Everyone is doing it, but it’s really cool that clients can text you 24/7. You are definitely at the head of the line as far as Realtors go. I think I’ll text you right now.